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Jacob Levman has been awarded a Canada Research Chair in Bioinformatics at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Dr. Levman has also been promoted to a Research Associate here at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.


Congratulations to Rongpin Wang for being appointed the Director for the Department of Radiology at Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital in China and Chairman of the Medical Imaging Conference for National Minority Area of China.


Congratulations to Thomas Re, M.D., who was selected as an oral presenter at American Society of Neuroradiology 2014, Montreal, Canada.
Title of the presentation: High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Tractography of Emerging Cerebellar Pathways from Newborns to Young Adults.

Congratulations to Christine Charvet, Ph.D., whose abstract was selected as “Neuroscience 2014 Hot Topic” at Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2014, Washington DC.
Title of the abstract: Evo-devo and the cortical connectome highlights systematic changes in frontal connections across primates.