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Patient Safety Research Lab Research | Overview

Dr. Walsh is the Director of the Harvard-wide Pediatric Health Services Research Fellowship and Director of the Patient Safety Research Center at Boston Children's Hospital. She also is a practicing primary care pediatrician and nationally recognized expert in pediatric health care quality and safety, and implementation science. She has made major contributions to the study of the quality of outpatient healthcare, including care at home. For over 20 years, she has developed and validated innovative research methods to study ambulatory health care. She has conducted multi-method research including multisite descriptive and mixed methods research, intervention development and evaluation, implementation studies, studies with EHR derived data, pharmacoepidemiologic studies, and several studies embedded within health systems or learning networks. She has advanced training in quality improvement methods and have expertise in context and implementation factors associated with the spread of interventions, including a current randomized trial (R18 HS027401). She leads the only pediatric Diagnostic Center of Excellence, focusing on diagnostic excellence and health equity in the ambulatory setting. She also leads multisite studies in collaboration with parents, clinicians, and health system leaders. Her research has been funded by the NCI, NIH, the FDA, PCORI, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and AHRQ (1 R01 and 3 R18).


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