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NDPP Publications | Overview


Phenotypic and Genetic Factors in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Ching M, Nasir R, Shen Y, Tan W, Jeste S, Morrow E, Chen X, Mukaddess NM, Yoo S, Hanson E, et al.(2010). Deletions of NRXN1 (neurexin-1) predispose to a wide spectrum of developmental disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 153B:4: 937-947.

Ching, MS; Shen, Y.; Tan, WH.; Jeste, SS.; Morrow, E.M.; Chen, X.; Mukaddes, NM; Yoo, SY; Hanson, E; Hundley, R.; Austin, C.; Becker, RE; Berry, GT; Driscoll, K.; Engle, EC; Friedman, S.; Gusella, JF.; Hisama, FM.; Irons, MB; Lafiosca, T.; LeClair, E.; Miller, D.T.; Neessen, M.; Picker, J.D.; Rappaport, L.; Rooney, C.M.; Sarco, D.P.; Stoler, J.M.; Walsh, C.A.; Wolff, R.R.; Zhang, T.; Nasir, R.H.; Wu, B.L.; Boston Children's Hospital Genotype Phenotype Study Group.(June 2010). Deletions of NRXN1 (neurexin-1) predispose to a wide spectrum of developmental disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 153B:4: 937-947.

Shen Y., Dies K.A., Holm I.A., Bridgemohan C., Sobeih M.M., Caronna E.B., Miller K.J., Frazier J.A., Silverstein I., Picker J., Weissman L., Raffalli P., Jeste S., Demmer L.A., Peters H.K., Brewster S.J., Kowalczyk S.J., Rosen-Sheidley B., McGowan C., Duda A.W. 3rd, Lincoln S.A., Lowe K.R., Schonwald A., Robbins M., Hisama F., Wolff R., Becker R., Nasir R, Urion DK, Milunsky JM, Rappaport L, Gusella JF, Walsh CA, Wu BL, Miller D.T.; Autism Consortium Clinical Genetics/DNA Diagnostics Collaboration. (April 2010). Clinical Genetic Testing for Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatrics 125(4).

Davit, C., Hundley, R, Bacic, J, Hanson, E. (2011) Improving venipuncture compliance in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Journal of Developmental and Behavior Pediatrics 32(7).

Simons Variation in Individuals Project (Simons VIP)

Hanson, E., Nasir, R.H, Fong, A., Lian, A., Hundley, R., Shen, Y., Wu, B.L., Holm, I.A., Miller, D.T. (October 2010) Cognitive and Behavioral Characterization of 16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2010 Oct; 31:8: 649-657.

Lord, C., Petkova, E., Hus, V., Gan, W., Lu, F., Martin, D., Ousley, O., Guy, L., Bernier, R., Gerdts, J., Algermissen, M., Whitaker, A., Sutcliffe, J., Warren, Z., Klin, A., Saulnier. C., Hanson, E., Hundley, R., Piggot, J., FOmbonne, E., Steiman, M., Miles, J., Kanne, S., Goin-Kochel, R., Peters, S., Cook, E., Guter, S., Tjernagel, J., Green-Snyder, L., Bishop, S., Esler, A., Gotham, K., Luyster, R., Miller, F., Olson, J., Richler, J., Risi, S. The Simons VIP Consortium. (2012) Simons Variation in Individuals Project (Simons VIP): A Genetics-First Approach to Studying Autism Spectrum and Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Neuron 73(6).

Flore Zufferey, Elliott H Sherr, Noam D Beckmann, Ellen Hanson,* Anne M Maillard, Loyse Hippolyte, Aurélien Macé, Carina Ferrari, Zoltán Kutalik, Joris Andrieux, Elizabeth Aylward, Mandy Barker, Raphael Bernier, Sonia Bouquillon, Philippe Conus, Bruno Delobel, W Andrew Faucett, Robin P Goin-Kochel, Ellen Grant, Louise Harewood, Jill V Hunter, Sébastien Lebon, David H Ledbetter, Christa Lese Martin, Katrin Männik, Danielle Martinet, Pratik Mukherjee, Melissa B Ramocki, Sarah J Spence, Kyle J Steinman, Jennifer Tjernagel, John E Spiro, Alexandre Reymond, Jacques S Beckmann, Wendy K Chung, Sébastien Jacquemont, on behalf of the Simons VIP Consortium, on behalf of the 16p11.2 European Consortium A 600 kb deletion syndrome at 16p11.2 leads to energy imbalance and neuropsychiatric disorders Journal of Medical Genetics 49, 660-8. December 2012.

Hanson, E.; Bernier, R.; Goin-Kochel, R.; GreenSnyder, L.; Snow-Gallagher, A.; Stevens-Wallace, A.; Campe, K.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Q.; Moreno-De-Luca, A.; Orr, P.T.; Bommer, K.B.; Evans, D.W.; Kanne, S.; Berry, L.; Mille, F.K.; Olosn, J.; Martin, C.L.; Ledbetter, D.H.; Spiro, J.E.; Chung, W.K.; on behalf of the Simons VIP consortium. (2014) The cognitive and behavioral phenotype of the 16p11.2 deletion in a clinically ascertained population. Biological Psychiatry.

David Ledbetter, Andres Moreno-De-Luca, M.D.; David W Evans, Ph.D.; K B Boomer, Ph.D.; Hanson, E.,* Raphael Bernier, Ph.D.; Robin P Goin-Kochel, Ph.D.; Scott M Myers, M.D.; Thomas D Challman, M.D.; Daniel Moreno-De-Luca, M.D.; Mylissa M Slane, M.S.; Abby E Hare, Ph.D.; Wendy K Chung, M.D.; John Spiro, Ph.D.; W. Andrew Faucett, M.S.; Christa L Martin, Ph.D.; Clinical variability in individuals with 16p11.2 deletions is partially explained by parental cognitive, behavioral, and motor profiles. In Press, JAMA Psychiatry (2014)

Andres Moreno-De-Luca, MD; David W. Evans, PhD; K.B. Boomer, PhD; Ellen Hanson,* PhD; Raphael Bernier, PhD; Robin P. Goin-Kochel, PhD; Scott M. Myers, MD; Thomas D. Challman, MD; Daniel Moreno-De-Luca, MD; Mylissa M. Slane, MS; Abby E. Hare, PhD; Wendy K. Chung, MD; John E. Spiro, PhD; W. Andrew Faucett, MS; Christa L. Martin, PhD; David H. Ledbetter, PhD "The Role of Parental Cognitive, Behavioral, and Motor Profiles in Clinical Variability in Individuals with Chromosome 16p11.2 Deletions" JAMA Psychiatry; published online December 10, 2014

Other Non-Specified

Hanson, E.; Kalish, L.A.; Bunce, E.; Curtis, C.; McDaniel, S.; Ware, J.; Petry, J. (April 2007) The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Parents for a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 4: 628-636.

Eran, A., Graham, K.G., Vatalaro, K., McCarthy, J., Peters, H., Brewster, S.J., Hanson, E., Hundley, R., Rappaport, L., Holm, I.A., Kohane, I.S., and Kunkel, L.M. (April 2009). Comment on Autistic-like phenotypes in Cadps2-knockout mice and aberrant CADPS2 splicing in autistic patients. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119, 4: 679-681.

Price CS; Thompson WW; Goodson B; Weintraub ES; Croen LA; Hinrichsen VL; Marcy M; Robertson A; Eriksen E; Lewis E; Bernal P; Shay D; Davis RL; DeStefano F. (October 2010). Prenatal and Infant Exposure to Thimerosal from Vaccines and Immunoglobulin’s and Risk of Autism. Pediatrics 126 (4): 656-64.

Kong, S.W.; Kohane, I.; Hanson, E., (2012) Characteristics and Predictive Value of Blood Transcriptome signature in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Science Translational Medicine. PLOS One.

Hanson, E.; Cerban, B.M.; Slater, C.M.; Caccamo, L.M. Bacic, J.; Chan, E. (2012) Prevalence of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder among Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Isong, I., Rao, S.; HOlified, C.; Iannuzzi, D.; Hanson, E.; Ware, J.; Nelson, L.* (2013). Addressing Dental Fear in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study Using Electronic Screen Media. Clinical Pediatrics.