Lehtinen Laboratory Publications | Overview
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* indicates joint-first authorship
Choroid plexus as a mediator of CNS inflammation in multiple sclerosis. Hochstetler A and Lehtinen, MK. Choroid plexus as a mediator of CNS inflammation in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2024, Dec;30(5_suppl):19-23. Epub 2024 Nov 6.
Choroid plexus pathophysiology. Courtney, Y, Hochstetler, A, Lehtinen, MK. Annual Review of Pathology 2024, Epub 2024 Oct 9.
Proinflammatory immune cells disrupt angiogenesis and promote germinal matrix hemorrhage in prenatal human brain. Chen J, Crouch EE, Zawadzki ME, Jacobs KA, Mayo LN, Choi JJ, Lin PY, Shaikh S, Tsui J, Gonzalez-Granero S, Waller S, Kelekar A, Kang G, Valenzuela EJ, Birrueta JO, Diafos LN, Wedderburn-Pugh K, Di Marco B, Xia W, Han CZ, Coufal NG, Glass CK, Fancy SPJ, Alfonso J, Kriegstein AR, Oldham MC, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Kutys ML, Lehtinen MK, Combes AJ, Huang EJ. Nat Neurosci. 2024 Nov;27(11):2115-2129. Epub 2024 Sep 30.
Profiling metabolome of mouse embryonic CSF following maternal immune activation. Petrova, B*, Lacey, TE*, Culhane, AJ, Cui, J, Raskin, A, Mishra, A, Lehtinen, MK, Kanarek, N. JBC. 2024 Oct;300(10):107749. Epub 2024 Sep 7.
The choroid plexus synergizes with immune cells during neuroinflammation. Xu, H, Lotfy, P, Gelb, S, Pragana, A, Hehnly, C, Byer, LIJ, Shipley, F, Zawadzki, M, Cui, J, Deng, L, Taylor, M, Webb, M, Lidov, HGW, Andermann, ML, Chiu, IM, Ordovas-Montanes, J, Lehtinen, MK. Cell 2024 Jul 25:S0092-8674(24)00717-7 Online ahead of print.
BioLuminescent OptoGenetics (BL-OG) in the Choroid Plexus: Integrated Opto- and Chemogenetic Control In Vivo. Klein, E, Marsh, S, Becker, J, Andermann, M, Lehtinen, MK, Moore, CI. Neurophotonics 2024 Jun 28; 11(2), 024210.
Mechanistic patterns and clinical implications of oncogenic tyrosine kinase fusions in human cancers. Cheong TC, Jang A, Wang Q, Leonardi GC, Ricciuti B, Alessi JV, Di Federico A, Awad MM, Lehtinen MK, Harris MH, Chiarle R. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 14; 15(1):5110.
Antibodies expand the scope of angiotensin receptor pharmacology. Skiba, M, Sterling, SM, Rawson, S, Gilman, MSA, Xu, H, Nemeth, GR, Hurley, JD, Shen, P, Staus, DP, Kim, J, McMahon, C, Lehtinen, MK, Wingler, LM, Kruse, AC. Nature Chemical Biology 2024 May 14. doi: 10.1038/s41589-024-01620-6. Online ahead of print.
KDM5C safeguards cognition by controlling Wnt signaling during a key neurodevelopmental window. Karwacki-Neisius, V, Jang, A, Cukuroglu, E, Tai, A, Jiao, A, Yoon, J, Brookes, E, Chen, J, Iberg, A, Halbritter, F, Õunap, K, Gecz, J, Schlaeger, TM, Sui, SH, Göke, J, Lehtinen, MK, Pomeroy, SL, Shi, Y. Nature 2024 Mar; 627(8004):594-603. Epub 2024 Feb 21.
Optimized mass spectrometry detection of thyroid hormones and polar metabolites in rodent cerebrospinal fluid. Fame, RM*, Ali, I, Lehtinen, MK, Kanarek, N, Petrova, B*. Metabolites 2024 Jan 23 (14)79.
SCO-spondin knockout mice exhibit small brain ventricles and mild spine deformation. Xu, H, Dugué, GP, Cantaut-Belarif, Y, Lejeune, F-X, Gupta, S, Wyart#, C, Lehtinen, MK#. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2023 Dec 5 20(1):89.
Keeping the cortex afloat: Cerebrospinal fluid contributions to cerebral cortical development. In Neocortical neurogenesis in development and evolution. Lacey, T, Fame, RM, and Lehtinen, MK. Ed. Wieland Huttner. Wiley Publishers 2023 Aug. 8, 32:721-754.
Snapshot: Choroid plexus brain barrier. Gelb, S and Lehtinen, MK. Cell 2023 Aug 3; 186:3522.
Defining diurnal fluctuations in the choroid plexus and CSF at high molecular, spatial, and temporal resolution. Fame, RM, Kalugin, PN, Petrova, B, Xu, H, Soden, PA, Shipley, FB, Dani, N, Grant, B, Pragana, A, Head, JP, Gupta, S, Shannon, ML, Chifamba, FF, Hawks-Mayer, H, Vernon, A, Gao, F, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Heiman, M, Andermann, ML, Kanarek, N, Lipton, JO, Lehtinen, MK. Nature Communications 2023 Jun 22;14(1):3720.
Age-appropriate potassium clearance from perinatal cerebrospinal fluid depends on choroid plexus NKCC1. Fame, RM*, Xu, H*, Pragana, A, Lehtinen, MK. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2023 June 16 20:4.
Choroid plexus targeted NKCC1 expression to treat post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Sadegh, C*, Xu, H*, Sutin, J, Fatou, B, Gupta, S, Pragana, A, Taylor, M, Kalugin, PN, Zawadzki, ME, Alturkistani, O, Shipley, FB, Dani, N, Fame, RM, Wurie, Z, Talati, P, Schleicher, RL, Klein, EM, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Moore, CI, Lin, P-Y, Patel, AB, Warf, BC, Kimberly, WT, Steen, H, Andermann, ML, Lehtinen, MK. Neuron 2023. Available online March 8, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.02.020.
Highlighted as Preview in Neuron 2023 May 17;111(10):1521-1523.
In utero intracerebroventricular delivery of AAV to target mouse choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid. Jang, A and Lehtinen, MK. STAR Protocols 2022 December 28 4(1):101975.
Outcomes of the 2019 Hydrocephalus Association Workshop, Driving Common Pathways: Extending Insights from Post-hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus. Karimy, J, Newville, JC, Sadegh, C., Morria, JA, Monuki, ES, Limbrick, DD, McAllister II, JP, Koschnitzky, JE, Lehtinen, MK*, Jantzie, LL*. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2023 Jan 13; 20(1):4.
The choroid plexus: a missing link in our understanding of brain development and function.
Saunders, NR, Dziegielewska, KM, Fame, RM, Lehtinen, MK, Liddelow, SA. Physiological Reviews 2023 Jan 1;103(1):919-956.
Choroid plexus-CSF targeted antioxidant gene therapy protects the brain from toxicity of cancer chemotherapy. Jang, A, Petrova, B, Cheong, T-C, Zawadzki, ME, Jones, J, Shipley, FB, Culhane, AJ, Chiarle, R, Wong, ET, Kanarek, N,* Lehtinen, MK* (co-corresponding authors). Neuron 2022 October 19 110(20)3288-3301.
- Highlighted as Preview in Neuron 2022 October 19; 110(20)3219-3222.
Young cerebrospinal fluid improves memory in old mice.
Zawadzki and Lehtinen, MK. Nature 2022 (News & Views) May 11.
Experimental approaches for manipulating choroid plexus epithelial cells.
Jang, A and Lehtinen, MK. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2022 May 26;19(1):36.
Disruption of GMNC-MCIDAS multiciliogenesis program is critical in choroid plexus carcinoma development. Li, Q, Han, Z, Singh, N, Terré, B, Fame, R, Arif, U, Page, T, Zahran, T, Abdeltawab, A, Huang, Y, Cao, P, Wang, J, Lu, H, Lidov, H, Surendran, K, Wu, L, Virga, J, Zhao, Y-T, Schüller, U, Wechsler-Reya, R, Lehtinen, MK, Roy, S, Liu, Z, Stracker, T, and Zhao H. Cell death and differentiation 2022 Aug; 29(8):1596-1610.
Mitochondria in early forebrain development: from neurulation to mid-corticogenesis.
Fame, RM and Lehtinen, MK. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, section Cell Death and Survival 2021 Nov 23; 9:780207
Macrophages on the margin: choroid plexus immune responses.
Cui, J*, Xu, H*, and Lehtinen, MK. TINS 2021 Nov; 44(11):864-875.
- Selected for Cover
MEIS-WNT5A axis regulates development of 4th ventricle choroid plexus.
Kaiser, K, Jang, A, Lun, MP, Procházka, J, Machon, O, Procházková, M, Laurent, B, Gyllborg, D, Van Amerongen, R, Kompaníková, P, Wu, F, Barker, RA, Uramová, I, Sedláček, R, Kozmík, Z, Arenas, E, Lehtinen, MK,* and Bryja, V* (co-corresponding authors). Development 2021 May 15; 148(10):dev 192054.
A cellular and spatial map of the choroid plexus across brain ventricles and ages.
Dani, N*, Herbst, RH*, McCabe, C, Green, G, Kaiser, K, Head, J, Cui, J, Shipley, FB, Jang, A, Dionne, D, Nguyen, L, Rodman, C, Riesenfeld, SJ, Prochazk, J, Prochazkova, M, Sedlacek, R, Zhang, F, Bryja, V, Rozenblatt-Rosen, O, Habib, N#, Regev, A#, Lehtinen, MK# (co-senior authors). Cell 2021 May 27; 184(11)3056-3074.
Choroid plexus-NKCC1 mediates cerebrospinal fluid clearance during mouse early postnatal development. Xu, H,* Fame, RM,* Sadegh, C, Sutin, J, Naranjo, C, Syau, D, Cui, J, Shipley, FB, Vernon, A, Gao, F, Zhang, F, Holtzman, MJ, Heiman, M, Warf, BC, Lin, P-Y, Lehtinen, MK. Nature Communications 2021 Jan. 19; 12:447.
Inflammation of the embryonic choroid plexus barrier following maternal immune activation.
Cui, J, Shipley, FB, Shannon, ML, Alturkistani, O, Dani, N, Webb, MD, Sugden, AU, Andermann, ML, Lehtinen, MK. Developmental Cell 2020 Dec. 7; 55(5) 617-628.
Highlighted as Preview in Developmental Cell Dec 7;55(5):519-521.
Tracking calcium dynamics and immune surveillance at the choroid plexus blood-cerebrospinal fluid interface. Shipley, FB,* Dani, N,* Xu, H, Deister, C, Cui, J, Head, JP, Sadegh, C, Fame, RM, Shannon, ML, Flores, VI, Kishkovich, T, Jang, E, Klein, EM, Goldey, G, He, K, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Kirchhausen, T, Wyart, C, Moore, CI, Andermann, ML#, Lehtinen, MK#. Neuron 2020 Nov. 25; 108: 623-639.
Choroid plexus organoids: Harnessing CSF gatekeepers for brain therapeutics.
Xu, H, and Lehtinen, MK. Cell Stem Cell 2020 Aug. 6; 27(2):191-192.
CSF MRI: Improving early diagnosis of Autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions.
Xu, H, and Lehtinen, MK. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2020 July; 5:635-637.
Emergence and developmental roles of the cerebrospinal fluid system.
Fame RM and Lehtinen MK. Developmental Cell 2020 52(3):261-275.
Concerted metabolic shift in early forebrain alters the CSF proteome and depends on cMYC downregulation for mitochondrial maturation. Fame, RM, Shannon, ML, Chau, KF, Head, JP, Lehtinen, MK. Development Epub Oct. 1, 2019.
Spatio-temporal gradient of cortical neuron death contributes to microcephaly in knock-in mouse model of Ligase 4 syndrome. Lun, MP, Shannon, ML, Keles, S, Reisli, I, Luche, N, Ryan, D, Capuder, K, Notarangelo, L, and Lehtinen, MK. Am J Pathology Epub Sept. 18, 2019.
Targeting peripheral somatosensory neurons to improve tactile-related phenotypes in ASD models. Orefice, LL, Mosko, JR, Morency, DT, Wells, MF, Tasnim, A, Mozeika, SM, Anda, MY, Chirila, M, Emanuel, AJ, Rankin, G, Fame, RM, Lehtinen, MK, Feng, G, and Ginty, DD. Cell 2019 Aug. 8;178:867-886.
Sister, sister: Ependymal cells and adult neural stem cells are separated at birth by Geminin family members. Fame RM and Lehtinen MK. Neuron 2019, 102(2):278-279.
Sodium channel SCN3A (NaV1.3) regulation of human cerebral cortical folding and oral motor development. Smith, RS, Kenny, CJ, Ganesh, V, Jang, A, Borges-Monroy, R, Partlow, JN, Hill, RS, Shin, T, Chen, AY, Doan, RN, Anttonen, A-K, Ignatius, J, Medne, L, Bönnemann, CG, Hecht, JL, Salonen, O, Barkovich, AJ, Poduri, A, Wilke, M, de Wit, MCY, Mancini, GMS, Sztriha, L, Im, K, Amrom, D, Andermann, E, Paetau, R, Lehesjoki, A-E, Walsh, CA, and Lehtinen, MK. Neuron 2018, 99(5): 905-913.
The ESCRT-III protein CHMP1A mediates secretion of sonic hedgehog on ART subtype of extracellular vesicles. Coulter, ME, Dorobantu, CM, Lodewijk, GA, Delalande, F, Cianferani, S, Ganesh, V, Smith, R, Lim, ET, Xu, CS, Pang, S, Wong, ET, Lidov, HGW, Calicchio, ML, Yang, E, Gonzalez, DM, Schlaeger, T, Mochida, G, Hess, H, Lee, W-CA, Lehtinen, MK, Kirchhausen, T, Haussler, D, Jacobs, FMJ, Gaudin, R, Walsh, CA. Cell Reports 2018 24(4)973-986.
Downregulation of ribosome biogenesis during early forebrain development.
Chau,KF, Shannon, ML, Fame, RM, Fonseca, E, Mullan, H, Johnson, MB, Sendamarai, AK, Springel, MW, Laurent, B, Lehtinen, MK. eLife 2018 May 10;7:e36998.
Mice expressing c-MYC in neural precursors develop choroid plexus and ciliary body tumors.
Shannon, ML*, Fame, RM*, Chau, KF*, Dani, N, Calicchio, ML, Géléoc, GS, Lidov, HGW, Alexandrescu, S, Lehtinen, MK. Am J Pathology 2018 Jun;188(6):1334-1344.
Selected for Cover
Adolescent obesity thwarts lifelong sleep.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2018 Jan 3; 10(422): pii: eaar7510.
Epilepsy clocks out.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 Nov 9(416): eaaq1237.
Going with your gut in multiple sclerosis.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 Oct 4; 9(410): pii eaap8164.
Cellular eyelashes help striatal neurons hook up.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 Aug 23: 9(404): pii: eaao4214.
Shining new light on migraine.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 July 12; 9(398): pii: eaan8206.
Say good night to your pain.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 May 31; 9(392):pii: eaan4298.
Filtering more than light in the developing retina.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 April 19; 9(386):pii: eaan2782.
ZNHIT3 is defective in PEHO syndrome, a severe encephalopathy with impaired cerebellar granule cell migration. Anttonen, A-K, Laari, A, Kousi, M, Yang, YJ, Jääskeläinen, T, Somer, M, Siintola, E, Jakkula, E, Muona, M, Tegelberg, S, Lönnqvist, T, Pihko, H, Valanne, H, Paetau, A, Lun, MP, Hästbacka, J, Kopra, O, Joensuu, T, Katsanis, N, Lehtinen, MK, Palvimo, JJ, Lehesjoki, A-E. Brain 2017 May 1;140(5):1267-1279.
The brain’s matchmakers.
Lehtinen, MK. Science Translational Medicine 2017 March 8; 9(380): pii: eaam9863.
CSF makes waves in the neural stem cell niche.
Dani, N and Lehtinen, MK (2016). Cell Stem Cell 19(5)565-566.
Unverricht-Lundborg disease.
Crespel, A, Ferlazzo, E, Fraceschetti, S, Genton, P, Gouider, R, Kälviäinen, R, Korja, M, Lehtinen, MK*, Mervaala, E, Simonato, M, Vaarmann, A (2016). Epileptic disorders. Epub ahead of print, Sept. 1, 2016.
Comment on “Multiple repressive mechanisms in the hippocampus during memory formation.”
Mathew RS, Mullan H, Blusztajn JK, Lehtinen MK, 2016. Science 353(6298):453.
Retrograde fibroblast growth factor 22 (FGF22) signaling regulates insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) expression for activity-dependent synapse stabilization in the mammalian brain.
Terauchi, A, Johnson-Venkatesh, E, Bullock, B, Lehtinen, MK, Umemori, H, 2016. eLife 10.7554/eLife.12151.
Notch and Sonic Hedgehog converge on primary cilium in choroid plexus tumor.
Li, L, Picotte, K, Wang, J, Lun, MP, Ohli, J, Lidov, HGW, Calicchio, ML, Zeng, E, Salisbury, J, Wechsler-Reya, R, Lehtinen, MK, Schüller, U, and Zhao, H, 2016. Nature Cell Biology 18(4):418-30.
Progressive differentiation and instructive capacities of amniotic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid proteomes following neural tube closure. Chau, KF, Springel, MW, Broadbelt, KG, Park, H-Y, Topal, S, Lun, MP, Mullan, H, Maynard, T, Steen, H, LaMantia, A-S, Lehtinen, MK, 2015. Developmental Cell 35, 789–802.
- Highlighted as Featured Article
Enlargement of choroid plexus in complex regional pain syndrome.
Zhou, G, Hotta, J, Lehtinen, MK, Forss, N, Hari, R (2015). Scientific Reports 5:14329
Development and functions of the choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid system.
Lun, MP, Monuki, ES, and Lehtinen, MK, 2015. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Published online July 15, 2015.
Zebrafish cerebrospinal fluid mediates neuronal survival through a retinoid signaling pathway. Chang, J., Lehtinen, MK, Sive, H, 2015. Developmental Neurobiology, Epub ahead of print.
Spatially heterogeneous choroid plexus transcriptomes encode positional identity and contribute to regional cerebrospinal fluid production. Lun, MP, Johnson, MB, Broadbelt, KG, Watanabe, M, Kang, Y-J, Chau, KF, Springel, MW, Malesz, A, Sousa, AMM, Pletikos, M, Adelita, T, Calicchio, ML, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Lidov, HGW, Sestan, N, Steen, H, Monuki, ES, Lehtinen, MK, 2015. J Neuroscience, 35(12): 4903-4916.
The choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid: Emerging roles in development, disease, and therapy. Lehtinen MK, Dymecki, S, Bjornsson, C, Gilbertson, R, Holtzman, D, Monuki, E, 2013. The Society for Neuroscience Mini-symposium Review. J Neuroscience, 33(45): 17553-17559.
Isolation of cerebrospinal fluid from rodent embryos for use with dissected cerebral cortical explants. Zappaterra, MW, LaMantia, AS, Walsh, CA, and Lehtinen, MK, 2013. Journal of Visualized Experiments, March 11: 73.
Adult neurogenesis: VCAM stems the tide.
Lehtinen, MK, 2012. Cell Stem Cell, 11:137-38.
The cerebrospinal fluid: Regulator of neurogenesis, behavior, and beyond.
Zappaterra MW and Lehtinen, MK, 2012. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 69(17):2863-78.
Somatic mutations cause hemispheric developmental brain malformations.
Poduri, A, Evrony, GD, Cai, X, Elhosary, PC, Beroukhim, R, Hill, A, Lehtinen, MK, Hill, RS, Barry, BJ, Bourgeois, BFD, Riviello, JJ, Barkovich, AJ, Black, PM, Ligon, K, Walsh, CA, 2012. Neuron 74:41-48.
Neurogenesis at the brain-cerebrospinal fluid interface.
Lehtinen, MK and Walsh, CA, 2011. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 27: 653-79.
The cerebrospinal fluid provides a proliferative niche for neural progenitor cells.
Lehtinen, MK*, Zappaterra, MW*, Chen, X, Yang, Y, Hill, A, Lun, M, Maynard, T, Gonzalez, D, Kim, S, Ye, P, D’Ercole, AJ, Wong, ET, LaMantia, AS, and Walsh, CA, 2011. Neuron 69(5): 893-905.
- Selected for Cover
- Highlighted in Nature as Research Highlight 471:269
- Highlighted in Faculty of 1000, 5 April 2011
- Selected as Hot Topic by 2011 Society for Neuroscience
Unverricht-Lundborg disease.
Lehtinen, MK, Lehesjoki, A-E, Kälviäinen, R, 2011. In: Shorvon, S, Guerrini, R, and Andermann, F, eds. The Causes of Epilepsy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 135-138.
Proliferative and transcriptional identity of distinct classes of neural precursors in the mammalian olfactory epithelium. Tucker, ES, Lehtinen, MK, Maynard, T, Zirlinger, M, Dulac, C, Rawson, N, Pevny, L, and LaMantia, A-S, 2010. Development 137(15):2471-81.
- Highlighted in In this Issue of Development.
The apical complex couples cell fate and cell survival to cerebral cortical development.
Kim, S*, Lehtinen, MK*, Sessa, A, Zappaterra, MW, Cho, S-H, Gonzalez, D, Boggan, B, Austin, CA, Wijnholds, J, Gambella, MJ, Malicki, J, LaMantia, A-S, Broccoli, V, and Walsh, CA, 2010. Neuron 66(1) 69-84.
- Featured as Spotlight Article
- Featured Topic in Development on Neuron website
Cystatin B deficiency sensitizes neurons to oxidative stress in progressive myoclonus epilepsy, EPM1. Lehtinen, MK, Tegelberg, S, Schipper, H, Su, H, Zukor, H, Manninen, O, Kopra, O, Joensuu, T, Hakala, P, Bonni, A, and Lehesjoki, A-E, 2009. J Neuroscience 29(18):5910-5915.
Regulation of neuronal death by MST-FOXO1 signaling.
Yuan, Z*, Lehtinen, MK*, Merlo, P, Villén, J, Gygi, S, and Bonni, A, 2009. J Biol Chem 284(17):11285-92.
Demystifying MST family kinases in cell death.
Lehtinen MK and Bonni, A, 2008. Current Molecular Medicine 8(4): 313-8.
A conserved MST-FOXO signaling pathway mediates oxidative stress responses and extends lifespan. Lehtinen, MK*, Yuan, Z*, Boag, P, Yang, Y, Villén, J, Becker, EBE, DiBacco, S, de la Iglesia, N, Gygi, S, Blackwell, TK, and Bonni, A, 2006. Cell 125: 987-1001.
- Highlighted in Nature as Research Highlight 441:788-789
- Highlighted in Faculty of 1000 Biology, 3 Jul 2006