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PUMA Study: Promoting Success in Middle Schoolers with ADHD

PUMA study logoWith pilot funding from the Life Course Translational Research Network, Drs. Arnett and Peisch are developing a preventative intervention aimed at reducing substance use and substance use disorders in youth with ADHD. In this first stage, the lab is developing materials and testing acceptability of the intervention with community stakeholders.

General Information about Participation

Your family may be eligible to participate if you have a child who:

  • Is 11-13 years old
  • Has an ADHD/ADD diagnosis
  • Is not diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability
  • Has a caregiver who is willing to participate (not currently in DCF custody)

The goal of the study is to develop a program aimed at increasing middle schoolers’ abilities to manage family relationships and friendships and to be successful in school and other activities. We are particularly interested in promoting behaviors that will help youth with ADHD avoid using drugs and alcohol.

Study participation - Focus Groups:

  1. If you are interested in doing a focus group with us, first we will complete a 10-minute phone call and ask a few questions to make sure the study is a good fit for your family.
  2. Next, we will schedule a focus group for caregiver(s) and one for your child with ADHD/ADD.
  3. The Focus Groups are 90 minutes long and may be done in person or online, depending on your needs.
  4. A Focus Group is a time where caregivers and youth can tell researchers what they think about a new program. Researchers will ask you questions about what it is like to be a caregiver or child with ADHD. They may show you things like videos and handouts they want to use in the program and ask you what you think about them.
  5. Each family will earn up to $200 for completing the focus groups - $100 for the caregiver(s) and $100 for the youth.

Please contact us at or 617-919-7771 to learn more! By calling or emailing, you are not agreeing to participate. Your decision to enroll is completely voluntary and if you do decide to enroll, you may drop out of the study at any time.