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Participate in Our Research | Overview

Interested in participating in research at the Arnett Lab?

Click here to learn more about ongoing studies or contact us to find out if your child is eligible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Email us directly: 
Call the Arnett Lab: 617-919-7771

Interested in being contacted by other Boston Children’s researchers about studies for which your child may be eligible?

Contact us to be added to the Research Participant Registry.

Disclaimer: By enrolling in the Participant Registry, you are consenting to be contacted by Boston Children’s Hospital study staff via mail, telephone, or regular email (i.e., non-encrypted email). The Boston Children’s Hospital standard is to send emails securely by encryption. By enrolling in the Participant Registry, you acknowledge that you have been informed and understand that we cannot guarantee that regular non-encrypted email will be confidential.