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Duffy FH, Als H, McAnulty GB. Infant EEG spectral coherence data during quiet sleep: unrestricted principal components analysis - relation of factors to gestational age, medical risk, and neurobehavioral status. Clin EEG 2003;34:54-69.

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Als, H., Butler, S., Kosta, S. and McAnulty, G. The Assessment of Preterm Infants' Behavior (APIB): Furthering the understanding and measurement of neurodevelopmental competence in preterm and full-term infants. MRDD Res Rev. 2005; 11, 94-102.

Mewes AUJ, Hüppi PS, Als H, Rybicki FJ, Inder TE, McAnulty GB, Mulkern RV, Robertson RL, Rivkin MJ, Warfield SK. Regional brain development in serial MRI of low-risk preterm infants. Pediatrics; 2006;118: 23-33.