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Proteomics Center Research | Overview

The Proteomics Center at Boston Children's Hospital, directed by Hanno Steen, PhD, provides a platform for researchers interested in using proteomics for their biological and biomedical research questions. The Proteomics Center recently updated its equipment and now houses a QTRAP 5500, a TripleToF 5600, two Q Exactives and one LTQ-Orbitrap classic.

The Proteomics Center is available for grant funded collaborative research to the research community in- and outside of Boston Children’s Hospital. Inquiries should be directed to the lab manager Saima Ahmed or Hanno Steen.

For fee-for-services and neuroproteomics collaboration inquiries, please contact Hanno Steen, PhD.

Dr. Hanno Steen, a native of Germany, studied chemistry in Freiburg/Germany, Manchester/UK and Zurich/Switzerland. He received his PhD from the University of Southern Denmark, where he worked with Matthias Mann, PhD, a world leader in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. He did postdoctoral work first with Steven Gygi, Dept. of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School and then with Marc Kirschner in the then newly founded Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. In addition to technical expertise in quantitative and modification specific proteomics and mass spectrometry, Dr. Steen has training in cell and molecular biology.