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By Year



Nigrovic LE, Bennett JE, Balamuth F, Levias MN, Maulden A, Chenard R, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. Accuracy of clinician suspicion of Lyme disease in the emergency department. Pediatrics. 2017;140(6):e20171975. PMID: 29175973


Garro AC, Koster M, LaRue M, Hipolito E, Burnett K, Cullen N, Nigrovic LE. Would parents consent to a comparative effectiveness trial of oral doxycycline versus intravenous ceftriaxone for the treatment of children with Lyme meningitis? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018;37(5):e140-2. PMID: 28984721


Garro AC, Bennett J, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Neville D, Branda JC, Maulden AB, Lantos PM, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. Positive two-tiered Lyme disease serology is uncommon in asymptomatic children living in endemic areas of the U.S. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019;39(5):e105-7. PMID: 30067595

Nigrovic LE, Lipsett SC, Molins CR, Wormser GP, Bennett JE, Garro AC, Levas MN, Balamuth F, Lingampalli N, Robinson WH, Branda JA for Pedi Lyme Net. Higher C6 enzyme immunoassay index values correlate with a diagnosis of Lyme disease in patients with non-cutaneous manifestations. Diagn Microbio Infect Dis. 2019;94:160-4. PMID: 30642722

Nigrovic LE, Neville DN, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Balamuth F, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. A minority of children with Lyme disease recall a preceding tick bite. Ticks Tick Borne Infect. 2019;10(3):694-6. PMID: 30853264

Maulden AB, Garro AC, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Neville DN, Branda JA, Nigrovic LE for the Pedi Lyme Net. Two-tier Lyme disease serologic test results vary by specific first tier test. J Pediatr Infec Dis J. 2019;9(12):979-982. PMID: 30793167


Nigrovic LE, Bennett JE, Balamuth F, Neville D, Levas M, Branda JA, Lyons TW, Maulden AB, Lewander D, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. Diagnostic performance of C6 enzyme immunoassay for Lyme arthritis. Pediatrics. 2020;145(1):e20190593. PMID: 31836615.

Nigrovic LE, Lewander DP, Levas MN, Balamuth F, Bennett JE, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. Lyme disease polymerase chain reaction test lacks sensitivity. Vector-Borne Zoo Dis. 2020;20(4):310-3. PMID: 31821110

Garro AC, Dash M, Van-Buren JM, Nigrovic LE. Development of a Pediatric Lyme Meningitis Symptom Measurement instrument using a Delphi technique. Ticks Tickborne Infect. 2020;11(4):1010418. PMID 32299788

Nigrovic LE, Neville DN, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Kharbanda AB, Thompson AD, Branda JA, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. Pediatric Lyme disease biobank, United States, 2015-20. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(12):3099-3101. PMID:33219811


Garro AC, Avery RA, Cohn K, Neville DN, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Kharbanda AB, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. Validation of the rule of 7’s for identifying children at low risk for Lyme meningitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021;40(4):306-309. PMID:33710975

Radtke FA, Ramadoss N, Garro AC, Bennett JE, Levas MN, Robinson WH, Nigrovic PA, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net Serologic response to Borrelia antigens varies with clinical phenotype in children and young adults with Lyme disease. J Clin Micro. 2021;59(11):e01344-21. PMID: 34379528

Neville DN, Alexander M, Bennett JE, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Garro AC, Lewander D, Dart A, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. Electrocardiogram as a Lyme disease screening test. J Pediatr. 2021;238;228-32. PMID: 34265339

Roelf K, Garro AC, Monuteaux MC, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. Trends in antibiotic treatment for Lyme meningitis. Hosp Pediatr. 2021;11(10):e243-48. PMID: 34551919

Lantos PM, Balamuth F, Neville DN, Garro AC, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Thompson AD, Kharbanda AB, Branda JA, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. Lyme disease serology in children with a history of previous Lyme disease. Vect Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2021;21(11):839-42. PMID:34610255

Sundheim KM, Levas MN, Balamuth F, Thompson AD, Neville DN, Garro AC, Kharbanda AB, Monuteaux MC, Nigrovic LE* for Pedi Lyme Net. Seasonality of acute Lyme disease in children. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2021;6(196):1-4. PMID:34842846

Grant DS, Neville DN, Balamuth F, Garro AC, Bennett JE, Thompson AD, Levas MN, Kharbanda AB, Lyons TW, Nigrovic LE* for Pedi Lyme Net. Validation of septic knee monoarthritis prediction rule in a Lyme disease endemic area. Pediatr Emerg Car. Published online May 13, 2021. PMID:34160185

Scientific presentations


Molins C, Fitzgerald B, Felshman A, Lipsett SC, Belisle J, Nigrovic LE. Metabolic Response in Children with Lyme Disease. Poster presentation at the 2018 International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and Other Tick-Borne Infections, Atlanta, GA.


Neville DN, Bennett JE, Balamuth F, Garro AC, Levas MN, Alexander MA, Lewander D, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. The clinical impact of an electrocardiogram in children undergoing evaluation for Lyme disease in the emergency department. Poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Society Meeting 2019, Baltimore, MD.


Garro C, Neville DN, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Bennett MD JE, Kharbanda AB, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. Prospective Validation of the Lyme Meningitis Rule of 7’s for identifying children with Lyme Meningitis. Selected for platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting 2020, Philadelphia, PA.

Nigrovic LE, Neville DN, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Kharbanda AB, Lewander DP, Dart AH, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. Association between clinician suspicion and empiric antibiotics for children undergoing emergency department evaluation for potential Lyme disease. Selected for poster presentation to Pediatric Academic Society Meeting 2020, Philadelphia, PA.

Nigrovic LE, Neville DN, Balamuth F, Levas MN, Bennett JE, Kharbanda AB, Lewander DP, Dart AH, Garro AC for Pedi Lyme Net. Association between clinician suspicion and empiric antibiotics for children undergoing emergency department evaluation for potential Lyme disease. Poster presentation to Pediatric Academic Society Meeting 2020, Philadelphia, PA. Abstract 3379542 (cancelled for COVID19)


Lyons TW, Balamuth F, Neville DN, Levas MN, Garro AC, Bennett JE, MD, Thompson AD, Kharbanda A, Kellogg M, Lewander D, BS, Nigrovic LE for Pedi Lyme Net. A clinical prediction rule for pyogenic musculoskeletal infections in children with monoarthritis in Lyme endemic regions. Platform presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2021 meeting (virtual). Abstract ID: 3537707