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Fellowships | Overview

The Manton Center has a strong commitment to training a new generation of investigators. The Manton Center continues to build on the reputable training programs which have been established at Boston Children's Hospital through Harvard Medical School for over a century and offers an unparalleled education to our nation's most promising medical students, residents and postdoctoral fellows who want to deepen their knowledge of rare diseases. Having these bright young scientists involved, in turn, brings original insights to orphan disease research, benefiting children and advancing the goals of The Manton Center.

The purpose of The Manton Center's Fellowship Program is to identify and support the training of the very best clinical and research Fellows to prepare them for a career treating and researching orphan diseases and their underlying biology. It is anticipated that the successful Fellows will graduate to independent junior faculty positions at Children's and other top medical centers in the United States and around the world and that these graduates will form a cadre of highly trained and productive scientists and physician-scientists focused on research, treatment and care of children with orphan diseases.

All proposed training programs and projects must be related to the mission and goals of The Manton Center. In brief, The Manton Center has been established to encourage the development of new and innovative research on rare "orphan" conditions that have hitherto been understudied due to a lack of resources and interest on the part of the scientific and medical community. The Fellowship program will support the salary, and minimal expenses, of doctoral-level Fellows proposing research projects and training programs of relevance to The Manton Center's mission.

Be sure to check out our Manton Center Fellows page to meet our current fellows!

Recent publications from The Manton Center Fellows

Pirouz M, Chih-Hao Wang, Qi Liu, Aref G. Ebrahimi, Farnaz Shamsi, Yu-Hua Tseng & Richard I. Gregory. The Perlman syndrome DIS3L2 exoribonuclease safeguards endoplasmic reticulum-targeted mRNA translation and calcium ion homeostasis. Nature Communications. May 2020.

Nagpal N, Wang J, Zeng J, Lo E, Moon DH, Luk K, Braun RO, Burroughs LM, Keel SB, Reilly C, Lindsley RC, Wolfe SA, Tai AK, Cahan P, Bauer DE, Fong YW, Agarwal S. Small-Molecule PAPD5 Inhibitors Restore Telomerase Activity in Patient Stem CellsCell Stem Cell. 2020 Apr 17. pii: S1934-5909(20)30138-7. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2020.03.016.

Fu Z, Sun Y, Cakir B, Tomita Y, Huang S, Wang Z, Liu CH, S Cho S, Britton W, S Kern T, Antonetti DA, Hellström A, E H Smith L. Targeting Neurovascular Interaction in Retinal Disorders.Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb 22;21(4).

Pirouz M, Munafò M, Ebrahimi AG, Choe J, Gregory RI. Exonuclease requirements for mammalian ribosomal RNA biogenesis and surveillanceNat Struct Mol Biol. 2019 Jun;26(6):490-500.

Pirouz M, Ebrahimic AG, Gregorya RI. Unraveling 3′-end RNA uridylation at nucleotide resolution.Methods. Nov 2019. 155:10-19.

Fu Z, Chen CT, Cagnone G, Heckel E, Sun Y, Cakir B, Tomita Y, Huang S, Li Q, Britton W, Cho SS, Kern TS, Hellström A, Joyal JS, Smith LE. Dyslipidemia in retinal metabolic disorders.EMBO Mol Med. 2019 Oct;11(10):e10473. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201910473. Epub 2019 Sep 5. Review.


This page was last updated November 20, 2020.