Current Environment:

Christopher Curran | Medical Services


  • English

Christopher Curran | Education

Undergraduate School

Bridgewater State University

2008, Bridgewater, MA

Graduate School

Bridgewater State University

2011, Bridgewater, MA

Christopher Curran | Professional History

After graduate school I continued on full time at my internship site practicing in home family therapy. As my skill set grew I moved on to outpatient individual therapy and eventually into the role as a school counselor. My goal has always been to help children and teens reach their potential which has led me to Bridgewater Pediatrics where I can help families and individuals everyday.

As a Behavioral Health Consultant my philosophy is to meet the child and family where they are in their journey. It is imperative that a connection is made to ensure that treatment is built upon trust and self assessment. As a consultant my goal is to make sure that every family I meet feels supported and cared for throughout their time at Bridgewater Pediatrics.