Current Environment:

Child's Weight 20-24 25-37 38-49 50-99 100+ lbs
Liquid 12.5 mg


1  1 ½  tsp
Liquid 12.5 mg/5 milliliter (mL) 4 5  7 ½ 10   mL
Chewable 12.5 mg - 1  1 ½  2 tablets 

Tablets 25 mg

- ½
1  2  tablets
Capsules 25 mg - - - 1 2 caps 


Indications: Treatment of allergic reactions, nasal allergies, and hives.

  • AGE LIMITS: Avoid Benadryl (diphenhydramine) under 2 years of age unless instructed by healthcare provider.
  • DOSAGE: Determine by finding child's weight in the top row of the dosage table
  • MEASURING the DOSAGE: Syringes and droppers are more accurate than teaspoons. If possible, use the syringe or dropper that comes with the medication. If you use a teaspoon, it should be a measuring spoon. Never use a kitchen spoon to measure medication dosing. 
    • 1 measured teaspoon equals 5ml
    • 1/2 a teaspoon equals 2.5ml.
  • FREQUENCY: May repeat every 6 hours as needed
  • ADULT DOSAGE: 50 mg
  • CHILDREN’S BENADRYL FASTMELTS: Each Fastmelt tablet contains the equivalent of 12.5 mg of Diphenhydramine HCL and dosed the same as chewable tablets
  • RISK of SIDE EFFECTS: May cause drowsiness and occasionally excitation instead. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY AFTER TAKING BENADRYL.

Source: adapted from

The information contained on this website should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.