Current Environment:

After hours

We realize that there is a lot of concern and misinformation about Covid-19. We are here to help in any way that we can. We have ramped up our capabilities to be available to communicate with you remotely in several ways.

We ask that you try to reach out to our office during regular office hours whenever possible.

Our answering service and after-hours triage service have been overwhelmed by calls during this health crisis, resulting in longer waits for return calls for more urgent health issues.

If you are calling for non-urgent information about Covid19 (or any other matter that can wait until morning!) please remember that our phone lines are answered every day of the year starting at 8:30 a.m.

Weekend care

We will have staff in the office on the weekends as always, but we will use telehealth visits and phone calls as our primary point of care for our patients.

If you have a medical issue to discuss with our staff on Saturday or Sunday, please call the office between 8:30 a.m and noon. If necessary, we will arrange a telehealth visit to address what is going on.