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Claudia Restrepo | Professional History

Claudia Restrepo is a Bilingual Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) who has worked in both the medical and educational fields. She received her degree as a SLP first in her native country Colombia and went on to work in a tertiary level care hospital for children, Lorencita Villegas de Santos. There, she also earned a postgraduate degree in University Teaching and worked as a clinic supervisor in her alma mater, Universidad Del Rosario. After her 10 year career there, Ms. Restrepo obtained her master’s degree in Communication Disorders at Mercy College and the Bilingual Extension at Columbia University, Teachers College in the USA. She has expertise working with a variety of conditions affecting communications skills such as Autism, Specific Language Impairment, Learning Disabilities, Verbal Apraxia, and Intellectual Deficits within a population that ranges from early intervention to high school students.