Current Environment:


10 most common items polluting the ocean - MSN News

"The Earth is swimming in plastic. Human activity along coastlines, runoff, and waste (mostly from single-use plastics) are some of the main culprits of land-based ocean pollutants. This pollution-producing garbage and debris have the power to affect not just ocean life, but human life as well. Marine debris can injure sea life, interfere with human navigation, and add damaging microplastics (plastic pieces smaller than 5 millimeters) to the ocean—microplastics that can kill marine animals, seabirds, and fish while ending up in the seafood humans consume...

10) Foam take out/away containers

9) Plastic lids

8) Plastic take out/away containers

7) Straws, stirrers

6) Other plastic bags

5) Plastic grocery bags

4)Plastic bottle caps

3) Plastic beverage bottles

2) Food wrappers

1) Cigarette butts